
Implementation of Vantage Point Trees in Julia. A Vantage Point Tree is a metric tree which can be used for nearest neighbor or radius searches in any metric space. See Data structures and algorithms for nearest neighbor search in general metric spaces.


using VPTrees
using StringDistances

data = ["bla", "blub", "asdf", ":assd", "ast", "baube"]
vptree = VPTree(data, Levenshtein()))
query = "blau"
radius = 2
data[find(vptree, query, radius)]
# 2-element Array{String,1}:
#  "bla" 
#  "blub"
n_neighbors = 3
data[find_nearest(vptree, query, n_neighbors)]
# 3-element Array{String,1}:
#  "baube"
#  "blub" 
#  "bla"

The following packages implement other data structures for use in nearest neighbor and radius search in metric space:


VPTree(data::Vector{InputType}, metric; threaded=nothing)

Construct Vantage Point Tree with a vector of data and given a callable metric. threaded uses threading is only avaible in Julia 1.3+ to parallelize construction of the Tree. When not explicitly set, is set to true when the necessary conditions are met.


using VPTrees
using StringDistances

data = ["bla", "blub", "asdf", ":assd", "ast", "baube"]
vptree = VPTree(data, Levenshtein())
query = "blau"
radius = 2
data[find(vptree, query, radius)]
# 2-element Array{String,1}:
#  "bla"
#  "blub"
n_neighbors = 3
data[find_nearest(vptree, query, n_neighbors)]
# 3-element Array{String,1}:
#  "baube"
#  "blub"
#  "bla"
find(vptree::VPTree{InputType, MetricReturnType}, query::InputType, radius::MetricReturnType, skip=nothing)::Vector{Int}

Find all items in vptree within radius of query with respect to the metric defined in the VPTree. Returns indices into VPTree.data. The optional skip argument is a function f(::Int)::Bool which can be used to omit points in the tree from the search based on their index.


using VPTrees
using StringDistances

data = ["bla", "blub", "asdf", ":assd", "ast", "baube"]
metric = (a, b) -> evaluate(Levenshtein(),a,b)
vptree = VPTree(data, metric)
query = "blau"
radius = 2
data[find(vptree, query, radius)]
# 2-element Array{String,1}:
#  "bla"
#  "blub"
find_nearest(vptree::VPTree{InputType, MetricReturnType}, query::InputType, n_neighbors::Int, skip=nothing)::Vector{Int}

Find n_neighbors items in vptree closest to query with respect to the metric defined in the VPTree. Returns indices into VPTree.data. The optional skip argument is a function f(::Int)::Bool which can be used to omit points in the tree from the search based on their index.


using VPTrees
using StringDistances

data = ["bla", "blub", "asdf", ":assd", "ast", "baube"]
metric = (a, b) -> evaluate(Levenshtein(),a,b)
vptree = VPTree(data, metric)
query = "blau"
n_neighbors = 3
data[find_nearest(vptree, query, n_neighbors)]
# 3-element Array{String,1}:
#  "baube"
#  "blub"
#  "bla"